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REMONDIS Locationtool
  • Additional information about the business location

    This area represents the view of the additional location data. Here, further information for the location is maintained and data for transmission to uberall is processed. "uberall" is a service provider that handles transmission of information such as the opening times to various search engines and other websites, thus improving the quality of search results on the Internet.

    Regular area

    The regular area of the "Additional information about the business location" section consists of three fields:

    • "Specification of organisational unit": A select box to choose what type of location it is.
    • "Transfer to uberall?": A checkbox to activate the location to transfer data to uberall. For more information, please read further below on this page under "Area uberall".
    • "Next page Local Sites:": If you have a website in the manner of Local Sites, you can define the subsequent page of the location in this input field. A full URL is expected in this field.

    Area uberall

    If the checkbox "Transfer to uberall?" in the regular area is saved activated, the accordion "Additional information to transfer to uberall" will be visible after the successful saving. Clicking on this link opens the actual area uberall.

    In the opened accordion you will first see a note on "Google myBusiness". The uberall connection to Google myBusiness cannot be activated by the location tool, but must be made there directly. If you are interested in this connection, please contact Ms. Rohlmann accordingly.

    Below is a list of fields that can be maintained in the location tool and can be transferred to uberall by the location tool:

    • "Customers served at location?": A checkbox that says whether customers are served at the location. An activated checkbox means "Yes".
    • "Categories": An input field that uses an autocomplete functionality to provide the categories for the location that are provided by uberall.
      • For example, "Recyc" can be entered to display "Contractor > Recycling center".
      • Clicking on the displayed entry stores it.
      • Clicking on the "X" removes the stored category.
    • "Tagwords comma-separated": An input field for entering keywords relevant to the location, separated by commas, e.g. "Waste paper recycling, recycling"
    • "Link to Imprint": A link to an appropriate imprint for the location. A full URL is expected here.
    • "Location logo": A select box for selecting a logo for the location.
      • An empty selection is not provided.
      • If the logo that applies to you is missing, please send it to Ms. Rohlmann as a .jpg file with a size of 480x480 pixels and ask for it to be made available here.
    • "Location images": A file upload to enable the storage of further images for the location.
    • Short/Long description of your business location: Two text fields to store a short (200 characters) or long (650 characters) description for your location.
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